GeneralThe Perfect PresentI was being socially awkward and I knew it, but I didn’t care. My life was on the line and I needed to
GeneralThat Time I Snuck into HeavenAs I pull past the series of luxury cars perfectly arranged in a semi-circle at the main entrance of the drive, a crisp
GeneralGod Wants You to Learn How to Think!Jesus was a teacher and He spoke in parables to conceal the mysteries of God so people had to use their volition to
GeneralYou Have Toilet Paper Stuck to Your Shoe 2Dear Felicity, It’s us. All of us. You know, the Secularists? Some of us believe in you, you know. We’re not trying to
GeneralYou Have Toilet Paper Stuck to Your ShoeDear Secularists, It’s me, Felicity….you know..…..that unseen spirit that you want to be free to ignore? That’s me. Don’t worry, I understand. I
FelicityFelicity Takes on the VaticanI don’t know a lot about Catholicism because I’m not really into religion but I do know that Jesus wasn’t into religion either
GeneralWhat Other Word?The Other Word is a blog that I use as a creative outlet where I assume the identity of my alter-ego, Felicity, who
General“Hello, My Name is Modern Society and I’m a Scientolic.”Have you ever had a friend who very clearly had a problem that they were in denial about? Maybe they were doing drugs,
GeneralThe Origin of Conspiracy TheoryA Conspiracy Theory refers to a type of belief that suspects a secret or covert group is responsible for planning or orchestrating events,
GeneralThe Cupcake Experiment“I don’t want you to act a certain way because you’re afraid of getting in trouble. I want you to act a certain