The Other Word is a blog that I use as a creative outlet where I assume the identity of my alter-ego, Felicity, who is a secret agent that works undercover for God. She is on a mission to prepare the world for the kingdom of Heaven on Earth, so she has to witness things, expose fraud, promote spiritual awakenings and most importantly write a story that is telling the truth but make it sound like it’s just for pretend.
Felicity is the other word because she’s been working with God since the beginning and is a part of the truth that was obscured and left out of the Bible. After Jesus died, the holy spirit was under attack, so she was entered into witness protection and her identity was sealed. That’s why nobody has ever heard of her before until now.
My real name is Caitlin and when I am not pretending to be a Biblical Superhero, you can either find me hanging out with my kids, dodging the new world order, or building my business, Felicity’s Bliss.
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